
— Yaser Safi, (b. 1976 Syria)
— Lives and works in Berlin
1999 Postgraduate Diploma in Printmaking from the College of Fine Arts in Damascus
1997 BA of Fine Arts, Printmaking Department, Damascus University, Syria
2023 Workshops / Printmaking at bbk/Bethanin, Berlin
2022 Workshops / Etching at Kunstschuleberlin
2010 a lecturer in a cultural exchange project between the Academy of Visual Arts
Leipzig, Germany, and Tripoli University in Lebanon.
2006_2009 a supervis the Printmaking Department at the Sharjah Institute of Art in the
UAE from 2006 to 2009.
1999_2006 a lecturer at the Printmaking Department of the College of Fine Arts and the
Adham Ismail Institute of Art in Damascus.
Solo Exhibition:
2018 Europia Gallery, Paris, France
2015 Mark Hachem Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon
2010 Kozah Gallery, Damascus, Syria
2007 Portrait Gallery Cairo, Egypt
2007 The Majilis Gallery, Dubai, UAE
2007 Sharjah Art Museum, UAE
2005 Zara Gallery, Amman, Jordan
2002 Notus Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
1999 French Cultural, Damascus, Syria
Group Exhibitions:
2023 A collaborative project with the DBd9 Arts and Culture Initiative, Museum
Lichtenberg, Berlin
2023 A dialogue between drawing and animation, a collaborative work by Yaser Saf &
Wael Toubaji, In partnership with Helene Nathan Library, Berlin
2022 The Hanging Gardens / Art Festival, Atelier Gardens, Berlin
2022 Out There/ is an artist’s book in which visual and audio contributions by 25 artists,
2021 Nine artist, Printmaking Exhibition, Karim Gallery, Amman, Jordan
2021 hey Universum/ The show features posters designed by 20 cross-cultural artist
displayed throughout the city’s urban spaces, Berlin
2019 "Zeitgenössische Malerei aus Berlin”, Galerie Tempelhof Museum. Berlin
2017Mosaic, Gut Altenkamp Museum, Papenburg, Germany
2017After the Butcher Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2017Art Basel with Mark Hachem Gallery, Switzerland
2016 SMAC Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2016 Art_Lab Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2014 Kunststoff Syrien, Forum Factory, Berlin, Germany
2012 Art fair Beirut, Mark hachem Gallery, Libanon
2009 Ayyam Gallery, Dubai, UAE
2008 Art fair-Dubai, Ayyam Gallery
2008 Ayyam Gallery Dubai inauguration-UAE
2008 Ayyam Gallery -Art& Design art fair- New York
2007 International Engraving Biennial Sarcelle, Paris
2000-3-6 5th/6th/7th la Triennale Mondiale de l'Estampe, Chamalières, France
2006 Bilad al-Sham Gallery, Aleppo
2005 Collaborative project with Turak Theater, Aleppo & Damascus
2005 Dar words, Aleppo, Syria
2004 Asociazione culturale Atelier , Roma
2002 4 Artists, Zara Gallery, Amman, Jordan
2001 Beit Al Mada for Arts & Culture, Damascus, Syria
Public and Private Collections:
British Museum, UK.
Museum of Islamic Art in Berlin, Germany.
The National Museum in Amman, Jordan.
The National Museum in Damascus, Syria.
Atassi Foundation,Dubai, UAE.
Prizes and Fellowship :
2017 Residency program for Artists in Exile. B.L.O. Ateliers, Berlin.
2016 Art Residency at Schafhof - Europäisches Künstlerhaus
Oberbayern, Freising, Germany.
2001 First Prize for Printmaking at the Syrian Youth, Damascus, Syria.